Model Pembelajaran Gamifikasi: Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Melalui Teknologi
Gamification Learning, Learning Motivation, Technology in EducationAbstract
In the world of education, the term gamification refers to the application of design elements and gaming experiences in the learning process. Gamification aims to simplify and accelerate sustainable learning practices. This article is categorized as a form of bibliography writing. This article is a literature review, namely a scientific study that focuses on a particular topic. Gamification is one of the e-learning learning concepts. Or in English it is usually called Gamification. Gamification is the application of techniques and strategies from a game to a non-game context to solve a problem. Student learning motivation is an important factor in improving the quality of education. In an effort to increase student learning motivation, technology can be used as a tool in creating a more interesting and interactive learning environment. Gamification in learning is the use of game elements and mechanisms to increase motivation and learning.
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