Peer Review Process
1. Submissions: Authors submit their manuscripts to the journal for consideration.
2. Initial review: The editor of the journal will conduct an initial review, assessing whether or not the manuscript is suitable for peer-review and meets the criteria for publication in that particular journal.
3. Peer-Review: If accepted, two external reviewers are selected by the editor to evaluate the quality of research, content and writing of each manuscript using a standard rating scale and provide feedback on any areas that need improvement or changes before publication can be considered. Additionally, they may make recommendations as to how best improve upon it in order to enhance its chances of being published in PARIKESIT: Journal Psychology & Counselling.
4a) Response to Reviewers: Authors are given the opportunity to respond to the reviewers’ comments and make any changes that they deem necessary.
4b) Final Decision: Once all responses have been received, the editor will then make a final decision on whether or not to publish the manuscript in PARIKESIT.
5. Publication: If accepted, authors will be notified of their article’s publication date and it can become available for readers worldwide!