Author Guidelines
The author instructions cover how to prepare a manuscript for submission as well as details on the kinds of articles that are accepted for publication. Under the "about" section, you may find further pertinent information about the journal's rules and the reviewing procedure.
This is a new author guidelines and article template of JOAPE. Abstract is written briefly and factually using Cambira letter, size 10 pt with text length between 200-250 words. English version abstracts are written in English in past tense and in good sentences. Do not use abbreviations or citation in the abstract. Results and conclusions are written in present tense. Abstract includes background of problems, research objectives, research methods, results and conclusions
Keywords consist of two to five relevant words/phrases seperated with semicolon
Describe systematically the flow of thought in identifying research problems and the arguments for the importance of the research problems studied (formulations, hypotheses and objectives). Add a discussion of the results of previous studies (previous studies) related to the topic.
In the introduction there must be a GAP of the current condition and the previous condition. It also contains a literature review, especially regarding up-to-date information around the problems underlying the research (State of The Art & Updates).
In one paragraph there should be at least 2 or 3 different types of arguments (results of research from journals) to support the State of the Art.
The introduction must really show the importance of this research being carried out and the novelty given compared to previous research.
Contains the type of research, time and place of research, targets/aims, research subjects, procedures, instruments and data analysis techniques as well as other matters related to the research method. targets/objectives, research subjects, procedures, data and instruments, and data collection techniques, as well as data analysis techniques and other matters related to the research method can be written in sub-subchapters, with sub-subheadings. Sub-subheadings do not need to be notated, but are written in lower case letters starting with a capital letter, Cambria-11 unbold, left aligned.
Especially for qualitative research, the time and place of research need to be written clearly (for quantitative research, this is also necessary). The research target/subject (for qualitative research) or population-sample (for quantitative research) needs to be clearly described in this section. It is also necessary to write down the techniques for obtaining subjects (qualitative research) and/or sampling techniques (quantitative research).
Procedures need to be described according to the type of research. How the research is carried out and the data will be obtained, needs to be described in this section. For experimental research, the type of experimental design used should be written in this section. The type of data, how the data is collected, with which instruments the data is collected, and the technicalities for collecting it, need to be explained clearly in this section. How to interpret the data obtained, its relation to the problem and research objectives, needs to be explained clearly. (Note: Sub-subsections can be different, according to the type or research approach used. If there are procedures or steps that are sequential in nature, they can be given a notation (numbers or letters) according to their position)
Result and Discussion
Research results can be listed in the form of formulas, tables, graphs and pictures. In the discussion section, you can discuss what is the result of research related to the relevance and correlation of the theories on the chosen topic or the results of previous studies that can be obtained from books, journals and other sources.
Try to present in the discussion section in the form of a description and no longer display formulas, tables or graphs.
The content of the conclusion should be an answer to the research question and objectives. Conclusions are presented in one paragraph, not points, and expressed not in statistical sentences. If necessary, at the end of the conclusion you can also write down the things that will be done related to further ideas from the research.
Use reference sources in the bibliography for the last 10 years if from books and the last 5 years if from journals, reference sources in the bibliography of at least 15 references. prioritize reference sources in the bibliography of journals with a minimum composition of 80% from scientific journals and the rest can be from books or other sources.
Use the bibliography using the Mendeley application. How to include a bibliography using Mendeley, namely: 1) open the Mendeley application; 2) select the references menu; 3) then select insert bibliography. To determine the style of the bibliography following the citation style. the way to determine the style of citation is by selecting the style, then selecting the American Psychological Association 7th Edition. An example of a bibliography using the American Psychological Association 7th Edition style, which is as follows:
Article Journal :
Arthur, J. (2016). Convergence on policy goals: Character education in East Asia and England. Journal of International and Comparative Education (JICE), 59–71.
Freudenthal, H. (2015). Revisiting Mathematics Education. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Thesis, Disertation, Research Report:
Zulkardi. (2002). Developing A Learning Environment on Realistic Mathematics Education for Indonesian Student Teachers. Published Dissertation. Enschede: University of Twente.
Article in Newspaper:
Pitunov, B. (13 December 2002). Sekolah Unggulan ataukah Sekolah Pengunggulan? Majapahit Pos, page 4 & 11